You have undoubtedly noticed at certain times a drop in your story views. Your number stays low and you don’t know how to make this little figure at the bottom of your stories increase. Instagram stories are very important to gain visibility on Instagram, but they still have to be seen. Otherwise, it is of little interest.

Why can you observe a drop in views of your stories?
You may notice a big drop in your story views at certain times and also that people watch your stories without being subscribed to your account, very often from foreign countries. These accounts are robots that automatically see thousands of stories. These are services offered by some sites supposedly to gain followers.
There was a very big fall for many of the story views due to a cleaning done by Instagram in order to reduce these bad practices. It continues, so a big drop in views may be due to this. And it’s positive as a drop! These are not real views of your stories and therefore it distorts your statistics. As well as seeing the people who really see your stories, this is what will allow you to best adapt your strategy.
It is of course possible to have a drop for another reason. We will see what you can do to increase the number of views of your stories.
Also Read: How To Take Advantage Of Instagram Stories?
How to increase number of views on your Instagram stories?
There are number of ways by which you can increase your Instagram views.
1. Insights
Before you want to increase your views, you need to better understand what works and what doesn’t in a story. And for that, nothing is better than your insights. As with everything on social networks, you have to test in order to see what will give the most results: whether in terms of posting hours or the type of content.
In order to see the results of your various tests, you can access your story insights. To do this:
- Go to the profile page of your Instagram
- Tap the top-right menu icon ☰
- Tap the Insights menu icon
- Scroll down to stories
Please note: before you start looking for the Insights section, make sure your Instagram profile is converted to a business profile by connecting your Instagram account with your official Facebook business page. Once you are done, you will get the Insights option in your Instagram profile.
By analyzing your insights, you will be able to observe the trends of what works the most. For example :
- What stories have allowed you to have new subscribers?
- With which stories did you get the most responses in private messages?
- With which stories did you have the most profile visits?
You can watch insights of stories for 14 days, it’s up to you to see and learn from what you are going to observe. You will be able to do many more stories that are most likely to please your subscribers.
I know that many of us completely forget to add hashtags in story. And yet, it can allow you to be discovered by new people!
The advantage of hashtags is that, as you probably know, we can subscribe to them. And in the stories, we can see those of the hashtags to which we subscribe. Great no? This means that people who are not subscribed to your home will be able to see your story thanks to this hashtag! And if they like your story, what do you think these nice people will do? Yes, they will subscribe to you!
Be careful, because you will not be systematically included in the story of the hashtag (s) that you have added. Don’t demoralize yourself! Continue to persevere and try to put less popular hashtags. If you use a hashtag with millions of uses, you are unlikely to appear in this story.
You can only add one “hashtag” sticker, but you can add several hashtags via the text tool (10 hashtags maximum). So, yes, it’s not very pretty, you have to admit, to have a whole list of hashtags in your story. Here are some tips for hiding them:
- You can put them behind a photo/gif.
- You can choose a text color according to your background and make it as small as possible.
Your hashtags should always be relevant to the subject of your story.
The same goes for the “location” stickers. It can allow you to be discovered by people who research certain places. This is particularly useful for “travel” and “restaurant” accounts. A person will be able to try to see the posts and stories of a place before going there.
3. Publish throughout the day
Do I have to repeat to you that you have to be consistent on Instagram, whether in post or story? Yes ? Okay.
You must be constantly present in the story. Great novelty, isn’t it?
In a story, it’s not about coming once a day and that’s it. Your subscribers do not all connect at the same time and they will see as a priority the most recent stories from the accounts with which they are used to interacting. If you are not present, your story will necessarily be less likely to be seen. Try to come at different times of the day to share a little story. Perhaps: what you are doing, a thought that you had, sharing a quote, sharing a passage from a book that you are reading.
Of course, it’s not about spending your day on Instagram either. You have lots of other things to do to move forward on your projects. It is still possible, without wasting too much time, to come at different times: 5 to 10 minutes, to publish a story.
To help you, you can provide visuals by making them, for example, for your week. You will have to share them at the chosen time. It should not become a source of stress for you. So do according to your possibilities, knowing that the more regular you are, the more you can increase your story views.
4. Identify other accounts
You have the possibility of identifying other accounts in story. These accounts will be notified and will have the option, if they wish, to share your story. It is, initially, a great opportunity to create exchanges with new people and if the person shares your story, it can allow you to be discovered by his subscribers.
Please note, if you identify an account, it must be done authentically and not while waiting to be shared. If she does, that’s fine. Also no, it does not matter! Above all, try to make contact with this person and identify them if you think it is relevant.
5. Promote your stories in your posts
When one of your subscribers sees your post, they can click on your profile image to access your stories. So take advantage of your post to make a small call to action to bring back to your stories if for example you shared very interesting content in story.
This will not only affect your subscribers, but also the people who will see your post via hashtags. So you can introduce your stories to these new people.
It’s a very simple way to promote your stories. But be careful: don’t do if you already have another call to action in your post. Do not say in the same post: “Discover the link of the article in the bio link! And don’t hesitate to go and see the stories, I posted a selection of my favorite books there. ” Only one call to action per post to get the most results.
6. Create engagement using all story options
Instagram offers us a wide variety of tools for our stories. It would be a shame not to take advantage of it! They can help you create more engagement and therefore get more views of your stories. Each action made in story is considered as an interaction by Instagram and shows that one is interested in the account. Instagram will therefore show future stories of it as a priority.
The options that will allow you to create the most engagement are:
- Polls – They are very effective. They only require one click so you will have many more people who will do it, it does not take time. You can use them to request an opinion on a product, on a situation. Be inventive.
- The slider emoji – Here too, it’s quick to respond with a “swipe” and it’s good!
- The “Questions” sticker – The questions require a little more time to answer them, but that can allow you to have very interesting feedback from your audience!
Don’t forget that on social networks, you have to test again and again and use your statistics to measure your results and see what works best. So, are you ready to increase your number of story views? What method are you going to use to get started?