Instagram has more than 1 billion users, 100 million photos and videos posted daily and 4.5 billion likes recorded each day. In just two years, it has doubled its number of users and has become an essential social network. On Instagram, images are very important. They will give the desire to love, to read and to comment. Your feed is also very important because this is what can convince a potential subscriber to click on the little “Follow”.

1. Choose a beautiful image
This is the basis you need for a top image on Instagram: a beautiful quality photo! For this, either you decide to play the photographer and take your own photos, or you can use royalty-free images.
It is also important to keep the same style images in order to have a coherent and harmonious feed. Beware of bad qualities and pixelated images! We now easily find beautiful free images so bye-bye rotten images.
Also Read: How To Take Advantage Of Instagram Stories?
2. Stay constant in your colors & typographies
You must always stay in agreement with your visual identity, whether on your blog, on social networks, on your printed visuals, … Everything must match! Choose 2 to 3 colors that you will use on all your visuals.
And the same goes for typographies.
Your brand identity (visual elements like logo, color palette, typographies, textures etc.) must be constant everywhere, you must stay on the same guideline in order to be easily recognizable and in order to create a strong and professional identity.
3. Attention to readability
Now, you must have: a good quality image, you have the colors and the typographies that you will use. Very well! You are ready to create your images with the tool you have chosen.
When you are going to insert your text, think about readability. Imagine your subscribers on their feed, they sometimes go down quickly and the tiny letters or with typography difficult to read, they will not break your head to decipher!
To facilitate readability:
- Your typography should be easy to read.
- Your text should be large enough (of course the right measure).
- Put a transparent frame (or not) if your text is not readable enough inserted on your photo (which is often the case).
- The color of your text should be easy to read.
- Do not hesitate to highlight certain words by changing typography and/or by putting colors.
- Imagine yourself in the place of one of your subscribers and ask yourself if your visual makes you want to be read and can be read easily.
- Leave some white space! Your text should not take your whole image.
4. Avoid photo collages
This was often done before the appearance of carousels on Instagram. Yes, it was good, because it allowed to put several images in one and thus not flood the feed of its subscribers. There is the carousel now, which allows you to insert into a publication several images that your subscribers can scroll through. So, no more need to make photo collages.
5. Don’t overuse filters
Yes, there are pretty filters, yes it can give a very good result for certain photos. We agree. But it is not necessary to go into the too much: rework the image in a special app, add a filter, add another filter on Instagram. It’s too much!
Use a beautiful image that does not need all these modifications and good quality at the base, it will save you time.
If you use a filter, always use the same for a harmonious result.
6. Insert your logo
When you create an image, always include your logo or, failing that, a link to your site.
This will protect your images to a minimum and if we decide to share your image, we will see directly where it comes from.
It’s up to you to play now and keep in mind these 6 tips for making top Instagram images and creating a wonderful feed that will bring you lots of subscribers and make your Instagram post successful! Do not hesitate to tell me in a comment which point seems the most difficult to you!