9 Most Influential SEO Metrics

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If you are a content creator, blogger, or you just love writing lines and contributing valuable content according to your niche with other people, you need to know the 9 most influential SEO metrics that will help you improve your SEO positioning and also it will allow you to correct those mistakes that no one ever told you you were making.

9 most influential seo metrics

1. Visibility

This is one of the main metrics that will indicate the status of your website. This term reveals how much traffic and positioning your page has on Google.

In such a way that while the terms you use to position yourself increase, that is, words with which you will relate your website the greater visibility you will have.

2. Indexing Status

Web indexing refers to the methods that are included in the internet content index of a website. Perhaps at the moment, you have not understood anything of what we have just commented, but I will explain it to you.

When it comes to indexing your website, it indicates the time your page is displayed in search results. For example: Entering the URL https://www.seekyourwayout.com in the Google search engine, the related URLS may appear. That is called the indexing state, where the more content index URLs are on the internet, the better it will be for you.

Also Read: The Perfect On-Page SEO Guide

3. Keyword Positioning

In this, you must have a certain order, since when creating your website and personal/commercial brand, it is essential to establish the words by which we want us to be known.

Setting these keywords will help you improve your web positioning and of course capture much more traffic.

To choose correct keywords for your SEO, I recommend you to go through the following tips that I know will be very helpful:

  • Take into account the market or niche to which you are heading and make a study of the most used and used words.
  • Measure the frequency of searches to assess how recurring are the words related to your niche. For this, I recommend selecting keywords with a medium level so that you have the opportunity to position them yourself.
  • Check the competition, in this way you will know what is the most competitive keyword in the search engines.

4. Total And Organic Traffic

This is one of the metrics that takes the sleep away from all of us who dedicate ourselves to creating content week after week, since having traffic on our website is a very good indication that the content and strategies that are being applied, have liked to the audience. Trust me! There is no greater prize than that.

I recommend you measure this metric on a monthly or annual basis so that you can compare the growth you have had and choose whether it is appropriate to make another type of content or use it but change the strategy.

One of the things that also interest this metric is increasing organic traffic, which refers to all the searches that make your website directly in the search engine, in this case Google.

Following are the different types of traffic depending upon the origin of visitors:

  • Direct: They are people who entered the web address of your site, that is, they already know your brand and your page.
  • Organic: They are those that come from a search engine. This traffic is free and very important because it is the clients who search the internet for the products or services you offer. Having a correct SEO strategy is key to attracting this audience since most clients only enter the results of the first page of the search engine.
  • Social Networks: They are those that reach the web from social networks, therefore spreading offers on them will increase visits.
  • Referral: They are those who enter the site because it was mentioned and linked that considers the information relevant.

5. Bounce Rate

It is a percentage that represents the number of times the user only visits one page of the site and subsequently leaves it. Also known as the bounce rate, it is one of the factors that Google uses to value and position your website, so your goal should be to reduce this percentage and retain people on your page for the longest amount of time. Some factors that can influence the abandonment of users are the loading time of the web, the adaptation to mobiles, little information, intrusive advertising, among other elements that make browsing difficult.

6. External Links

This metric is very important because we can focus it on the “popularity of your website for others” without a doubt it will be reflected to the maximum in your position and is in charge of measuring your quality vs. quality ratio of the external links you attach.

I recommend that whenever you add external links you make it a complement to the valuable information you share and that above all you evaluate well what type of external links you are going to include, since Google when viewing suspicious websites that do not allow practices, you can be penalized.

7. Internal Links

Expose your content in your same articles. At the beginning when I started to search in SEO, I could understand the importance of writing new articles and also make known past articles, that way you can give the user a ladder to continue investigating all your valuable information on your website and generate leads and traffic.

I recommend linking links that have to do with the topic you are sharing and writing. And also don’t include them like “Before you leave, come to read my new article”. No, you should avoid this.

As you write, relate the words to the point that the user is not realizing that you are opening the possibility of continuing to browse and surf longer on your website, which will be very beneficial for you.

8. Page Speed

Page speed can be described in two ways: the page load time, which is the time it takes to display all content; or the time that elapses until the first byte, which is the time it takes for your browser to receive the first byte of information from a server. Page speed significantly influences SEO value and user experience. SEO value can be negatively affected by slow page speeds. Google has made it pretty clear that page speed influences ranking. Slow loading pages will experience low user engagement, which will have a negative impact on the rating. Users leave websites that take a long time to load. Several studies on this topic have shown that the conversion rate decreases on slow loading web pages. The pages that load faster show a significant increase in conversions and sales.

There are several platforms that offer this data. Google has the PageSpeeds Tool, which analyzes specific pages and recommends ways to increase speed. Google Analytics also provides data on the behavior of your page.

9. Tracking Errors

Tracking errors prevent Google from finding a page, causing the web to not be found in the search engine results or SERP, or the page resulting from a search.

Knowing which pages are on your site that prevent Google boots from crawling your site, allows you to repair and recover them to improve your page ranking and appear in search results.

There are multiple indicators that you must monitor in order to define when to move forward and when to pivot your action plan so that your SEO positioning helps you achieve the expected results of your company. Being clear about what objectives to look at and how your audience responds to the proposals made will allow you to optimize your SEO strategy to achieve your objectives.

Also Read: SEO In 2020 : What’s Hot & What’s Not

Tools To Improve SEO Metrics

Google Analytics: Free Google tools where you will obtain statistics and data that will help you improve the positioning of your website.

Pro rank Tracker: You will keep your performance updated to achieve better positioning.

Google Search Console: Tools and reports from the Search Console that will help you measure the traffic and performance of your website.

After reading this post you should start working to optimize the SEO of your website because that will help you to improve your web positioning.

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